Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Let me set the record straight. Reality shows are reality. They are terribly funny to watch, but people like Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and now Tyra Banks claim that they use a "charachter" on their reality shows. I don't care who they really are, If I knew the real them. I understand that they would be boring to watch if the thing wasn't scripted, but lets be honest, this isn't serious acting. Sorry y'all, don't be calling Juliard any time soon.

Paris: Simple Life is a reality show and people might assume it’s real. But it's fake. All reality shows are fake basically. When you have a camera on you, you are not going to act like yourself. Before I started the show I thought I'd make a character like the movies Legally Blonde and Clueless mixed together, with a rich girl all-in-one...Even my voice is different and the way I dress is different from me in real life. It's a character I like to play. I think it's carefree and happy. The public think they know me but they really don't.

Act, my ass

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