Thursday, November 30, 2006

Love it so much!

I think we should all adopt this style of dancing on the floor while pumping knees and shoulders. Who's with me?

Monday, November 27, 2006


They should just make it illegal to marry two people who will obviously not stay together. Listen, I really feel bad about the miscarriage and all, don't get me wrong, but there was not a human out there that thought the marriage of Kid Rock and Pam Anderson was gonna be long and blissful. He seems like a nice guy, I did meet him once at Ricks in Ann Arbor and had a nice little chat. It must be her.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Did Rachel Bilson Hire Rachel Zoe?

After the post below, about Misha Barton saying Rachel had too many curves, Starspooptoo has EXCLUSIVE INFO that Bilson hired Zoe to make her look more like that new "cookie cutter look"...and going straight to the source! Check it out!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Diana Ross and Beyonce Look Nothing Alike

I am in shock. OK, just because they have the same color skin does not mean Beyonce can play Diana Ross in a movie. NO! That is the closest I can get. I'm not happy with this at all. If it were up to me, here's what I'd do:

Friday, November 24, 2006

Mischa Barton spoils the minds of little girls everywhere

Although she once stated that she'd never want to have the curves of her costar, Rachel Bilson, Mischa has decided to say that "It's so wrong to try and stifle womanly curves, it shouldn't be promoted. This unhealthy look should be abandoned."

Seriously. Who told her to say that? You know that's not coming from her. Raise your hand if you think she really believes this. She also once said something about trying to be "discreetly sexual." Or something. Any picture of her that is not retouched looks horrible (see above and below). She looks gross, face, body, stature, personality. Ugh, Mischa, get on a treadmill and shut your damn mouth.

I have to go, I'm getting madder and madder as I write this.

At least we don't have another long, stupid quote from her!

Jessica Simpson is rumored to be dating another person I couldn't give a crap about. Tony Romo, Dallas Cowboys, I believe. I looked him up, he's not even that cute. She's rumored to be dating a new person every day. I had to post a picture of her with sunglasses because her eyes hypnotize and scare the shit out of me. This is him below. Step down from Nick, step up from John Mayer. This guy at least looks hot with his helmet on.

I personally think that Lindsay Lohan looks great as a natural redhead, with freckles.

Ugh, no I don't. She belongs in porn.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Vintage: I can't stop putting up photos of Nicole

No words neccessary. Um, other than, I like the shorts. That, and, after she lost all that weight (although she still has a long way to go), how does she still have tits? They're like, nubbins here. Did Nicole Richie get some work done?

Turtlenecks make people look fat!

This I did not know, but it's so obvious. It accentuates her arm fat.

Shorty like mine - Paris et Britney

Ok, so I didn't get a picture of Paris and Britney because I just love this picture of Brit. She is my heaven, and what I was thinking was, she should call Rachel Zoe, now that her and Nicole are in a feud. Slap on a pair of flat boots over skinny pants and she's halfway there. Also, I think Rach can help her with the baby chub.

Speaking of pictures that don't follow my line of thinking at all...
Here's an example of how Brit should look. Ugh, those bones are so fat.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Rachel and Nicole are over!

I'm really upset with Nicole. What is she thinking gaining all this weight and then giving the axe to Zoe? This is the woman who took Nicole from pleated mini skirts and colorful extesions to Baleciaga and dangerous body weight. This is the woman who made America love Nicole, well what was left of her. I wonder if they make turn coats big enough to fit nicole?

And Next Phylicia Rashad...

This clip of the 90's club kids on the Joan Rivers show is pretty funny. Joan announcing who the following guest will be is hillarious.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sodom and Gomorrah? Sign me up!

So Israel "registers" gay marriages performed outside of Israel. They still can't get married in the state of Israel because the ultra-orthodox Jews control state marriage. But still, they're doing the best they can despite the ultra relig. Mazal Tov.

I think Natalie Portman should use her influence to get some shit done around there.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

If only...

this picture was real, THEN THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE! Kate keep working on it...maybe one day, if you're lucky.

ANOTHER gay celebrity comes out

Maddox Jolie-Pitt has released the following statement:

"The public eye has always been kind to me, and until recently I have been able to live a pretty normal life. Now it seems there is speculation and interest in my private life and relationships."

"So, rather than ignore those who choose to publish their opinions without actually talking to me, I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love."

CONGRATS MADDOX! We are so proud!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

You hear me?

Ms. Peachez is about to school you on some chicken. Word.


After hundreds upon hundreds of replies to the MK photo contest, we have chosen the winner. MW shows that she can compete with the big girls...well not they aren't really big (unless you count the hundreds of pounds Nicole Richie has recently put on)!

Calls to MK:
Sunken Cheeks
Gaunt Eyes
Head over Shoulder Pose
Bones Out!

Fab-U-Lash job! Keep sending your submissions! We love it!


have the worst hair in Hollywood. Watch the video below to get the hair stylings that Ashlee Simpson fell in love with (when she was ugly)...THANK GOD she got hot.

Who's the lesbian? YOU DECIDE!

Which is the 70's porn star?? YOU DECIDE!

Put our open toes on and get JAZZY

2/3's of Stars Poop Too LOVE THEM SOME DANITY KANE. We have found out that "Ride for You" will be the next single...BUT WE THINK THIS IS A HUGE MISTAKE. Check out this homemade video of the song and tell us HOW MUCH YOU LOVE IT! If you're gay and live in Chicago, our Mid-West editor says that its already the hit of the century at the bars! oh danity

Sorry to disappear, BUT...

Sorry for the lack of updates recently...the staff here has been really busy trying to get the latest scoop on all THE DIRT. To make up for our absense, we have included some more coupons to enjoy this weekend. Watch out, most are for this weekend only!! ENJOY!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Let's here it for the boy.

I'm really happy for Marc Jacobs right now. At first I thought a 26 year old boyfriend who has been rumored to be an ex-porn star (not that there's anything wrong with that) was a bad idea for the most saught after designer on earth. But now I can see that little Mr. Jason Preston's influence has made MJ loose about 30lbs and 10 years. You go boys! You're both hot!

How you doin'

Cheers to you Wendy Williams!

We love Wendy here at Stars Poop Too. She is our Super-Star Pooper of the Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's talk about it Dina.

Dina Lohan is shopping her talk show around to different networks. She describes the show as an "Apprentice-y, game show-y thing." Adding, "it’s a girl-empowered, woman show." I don't care what the show is about. That woman is such a hot mess I would watch a show about her trying to live the lifestyle of her famous daughter. Oh, that's right - I already do.

Kelly's Latest Epic.

Very different feel from 'Shoes'. And also FANTASSSSTIC!

Why DID we lose our tails?

Bridgette from Girls Next Door (the slighyl chunkier, slightly stupider one) is the best! I just love when she asks why we lost our tails. It's a long movie, but just keep fast forewarding to her. We would be best friends if we hung out. Fave quote:

"The Captain Morgan really looked like Captain Morgan. Not like, Jonny Depp or anything"

Seperated at Birth

I think Britney is taking lessons in class from Anna Wintour. And who better to teach? Keep up the good work Brit!


Again, you heard it here first...Bradon Davis is clairvoyant!!! You might remeber this incident a few weeks ago:

Well, he was right! Last night, a source at Hyde tells us that Lindsay arrived and was doing her normal thing...dancing, high kicks, lots of coke, screaming at old know the usual...when all of a sudden Lindsay Lohan's crotch caught on FIRE! The star is OK, she is currently at her second home in Cedar Sinai.

Brandon, if you are reading this (which I'm sure you are) call us! We want to scoop the next story and with your gift I think we can take this blog to the next level!

Before the rest of these hoes....

That's right...before Nicole, Kate Bosworth, Mrs. Beckham, Kirstie Alley, there was the one and only MARY KATE! And we love her for that! So to pay homage to the living legend herself...please send photos of yourself in what we like to call "Mary-Kate Face." Sink in, bones out, NO FAT!

A little inspiration for you...suck in thoese cheeks, makes those eyes look gaunt and lifeless, stick out those bones.... NOW GO!!!

What Makes a Looser Most?

Strangers With Candy the Movie was released on DVD Tuesday. I was finally able to get my hands on a copy last night. It totally kick-started my love for Amy Sedaris. Her new book, I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence, is quite funny as well.

Where is baby Shiloh??

Here at Stars Poop Too, we like to keep track of the Hollywood babies. However, sometimes the stars make it very difficult to track these bitches down. Brad and Angelina Jolie-Pitt have been in the press a lot, many of the pictures including their children....MINUS 1!!! WHERE IS SHILOH??? It seems that the other celebrity journalists have forgotten about Shiloh. Let's examine the evidence:

Exhibit A: Oh, look at the happy family...wait wait...where's Shiloh?? Oh, maybe shes at the spa, drug detox, eating disorder's OK, only one photo

Exhibit B: Oh, this is nice too! Brad hanging out with his child....well his adopted child. Don't you think that Shiloh would gain from all these wonderful experiences??

Another shot missing Shiloh....oh look Maddox's legs (hanging out with dad again) and Sahara learning from mom to be like Nicole Riche (the OLD, FANTASTICLY THIN ONE) and hate food with calories or must only stick to Slenda and Coffee. I think that Zahara is doing a pretty good job, she is looking pretty svelte! Keep it up!

Again, the happy Jolie-Pitt family....wait some one seems to be missing!! OK, we got Mama and Papa bear (check, check)...the one from Ethiopia (check)...oh and dont forget about the Cambodian (check)...BUT WHERE IS THE ANGELODIAN BABY???

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Paris Hilton is Poor.

I know for a fact that the sweater Paris is wearing is itchy. I have felt it. Rich people just don't wear itchy sweaters. Paris is poor. Nicole is fat. That is that.


Seriously, I know we're just starting and everyone's feeling out our tastes, opinions and issues, so you need to know, that we love this bitch. I was a little young, but I think she like, blew Bill Clinton and filmed it.

Thats kinky, and I like it.

007 is HOT!!!!!!!!!!

Never being a big Bond fan myself, I didn't care much about the release of the latest Casino Royale offering. Until, that is, all of these pictures of Daniel Craig surfaced looking smoking good. Let's hear it for the hottest James Bond EVER!

How it's done

Seriously, this slut does NOT know how to win over a crowd. OJ, when you read this, please see the previous blog, that explains how to win over adoring fans. Can you sing and do you know the words to "Crazy"?

Is it weird that lips down he's kind of hot? Please don't kill me!



Enjoy another discount to................Sephora!!!

I do not care about Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, or Suri

...or the stupid wedding, which you know is just some weirdo coverup for whatever kind of weirdo things they got going on.

That being said, did you hear that Tom Cruise can't fit into his wedding suit? I may not be a doctor yet, but I'll fly out there and put in stomach staples myself! Scalpel!


Starspooptoo has exclusive bathroom drama! Ashlee Simpson walked right up to Hilary Duff and told her her arms look fat. That little Duffer encountered her in the bathroom and told her where to shove it. I'm pretty sure the phrase, "Nose as big as my chin" came up. DAMN!
The Classics

Here at Starspooptoo, we believe that everyone should be educated in the classics. Here is our first installment, discuss. It's a new age Romeo and Juliet, can you even have a favorite part?

"Life and things, and....things, goin on."

'Tis the season

Look at us...3rd day and we are already giving away gifts! More fun and freebies to come to our LOYAL fanbase! Love ya, mean it!

For real tho, if you click on the above pictures you can then print them and get 30% OFF POLO and 25% OFF CLUB MONACO!