Thursday, December 14, 2006

The devil may wear Prada, but the Pope is workin' it. Do you ever wonder why child abuse is looked over when it comes to religous figures? You're not the only one. Out magazine is addressing this SHAMEFUL issue in it's latest issue. If you ask me, the people in charge of the Vatican are more concerned with which flat goes best with their robe. I can hardly blame them, but dont you think an open toe pump would be that much better?
First Nicole Now Lizzie!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Peter Boyle, Hero and Role Model
...But they Do NOT Bleed!

NICOLE RICHIE! LIAR! Ok, let's be honest here, whether she weighs 85 or 95 pounds, she is not getting her period. I'm reading all these blogs and newspapers comment about Nicole Richie blaming her vicodin/pot binge on "women issues" and wondering why nobody mentions that ana girls do not get their period!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Jean Claude Van Dame CAN GET DOWN!
Kirstie: Vintage

"I'd like to be married again...Not I'm confronting what I want in a man because I'm so friggin shallow. The way I used to judge a man was, 'Is he hot?'"
P.S. I couldn't get a real picture of Kirstie Alley and Parker Stevenson because they were married before the era of digital cameras and the internet.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Stars Poop Too

The segment you've all been waiting for. Stars really do poop, and we're going to show you...THEY'RE JUST LIKE US. Victoria Beckham was given the highest honor, as the first to truly be featured in this segment. (Pooping out of windows does not count). Victoria, we salute you!
Hey, those edamame and infrequent sushi bites need to come out somehow!
Mel Gibson...Bah!
Mel B's Baby Daddy is NOT happy
Amy Poehler Caught In The Act!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Act, my ass
Dove Paris????

So we all know that Paris is friends with Britney and ruining ANY chance of a comeback....BUT, WHERE IS PARIS' NEW SINGLE???? Here at Stars Poop Too (oh and yes, Nicole Richie is still FAT) we loved us some "Stars are Blind" and would love to hear the newest from her album. The lack of a single seems like she forgot that she even realeased an album. Here we like the remixed version of "Screwed" (not found on the album)....BRING IT TO THE CLUBS P.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Yeah...we were basically mentioned on SNL!!!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
OK we are video happy....BUT WE LOVE IT
UMM OK we lied again
I Think I Might Have Died and Gone To Heaven
Saturday, December 02, 2006
I should be allowed to edit the internet!
All pictures and videos of Brook Hogan should be deleted. The really, really scary part is how many people actually think she's hot and like her music!
I would like to explain to everyone how photoshop works. It has tools that allows a girl who looks like this in real life:

To look like this:

This is not the same person. The first girl is hard to look at, and does not sound good. The second picture is based on the first girl, but when you start airbrushing and changing facial features, you really don't have the same person in your picture. I am not explaining it further, just pretend like it's magic.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006

They should just make it illegal to marry two people who will obviously not stay together. Listen, I really feel bad about the miscarriage and all, don't get me wrong, but there was not a human out there that thought the marriage of Kid Rock and Pam Anderson was gonna be long and blissful. He seems like a nice guy, I did meet him once at Ricks in Ann Arbor and had a nice little chat. It must be her.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Did Rachel Bilson Hire Rachel Zoe?
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Diana Ross and Beyonce Look Nothing Alike
Friday, November 24, 2006
Mischa Barton spoils the minds of little girls everywhere

Although she once stated that she'd never want to have the curves of her costar, Rachel Bilson, Mischa has decided to say that "It's so wrong to try and stifle womanly curves, it shouldn't be promoted. This unhealthy look should be abandoned."
Seriously. Who told her to say that? You know that's not coming from her. Raise your hand if you think she really believes this. She also once said something about trying to be "discreetly sexual." Or something. Any picture of her that is not retouched looks horrible (see above and below). She looks gross, face, body, stature, personality. Ugh, Mischa, get on a treadmill and shut your damn mouth.

I have to go, I'm getting madder and madder as I write this.
At least we don't have another long, stupid quote from her!

Jessica Simpson is rumored to be dating another person I couldn't give a crap about. Tony Romo, Dallas Cowboys, I believe. I looked him up, he's not even that cute. She's rumored to be dating a new person every day. I had to post a picture of her with sunglasses because her eyes hypnotize and scare the shit out of me. This is him below. Step down from Nick, step up from John Mayer. This guy at least looks hot with his helmet on.

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Vintage: I can't stop putting up photos of Nicole
Shorty like mine - Paris et Britney

Ok, so I didn't get a picture of Paris and Britney because I just love this picture of Brit. She is my heaven, and what I was thinking was, she should call Rachel Zoe, now that her and Nicole are in a feud. Slap on a pair of flat boots over skinny pants and she's halfway there. Also, I think Rach can help her with the baby chub.

Speaking of pictures that don't follow my line of thinking at all...
Here's an example of how Brit should look. Ugh, those bones are so fat.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I'm really upset with Nicole. What is she thinking gaining all this weight and then giving the axe to Zoe? This is the woman who took Nicole from pleated mini skirts and colorful extesions to Baleciaga and dangerous body weight. This is the woman who made America love Nicole, well what was left of her. I wonder if they make turn coats big enough to fit nicole?
And Next Phylicia Rashad...
This clip of the 90's club kids on the Joan Rivers show is pretty funny. Joan announcing who the following guest will be is hillarious.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Sodom and Gomorrah? Sign me up!

So Israel "registers" gay marriages performed outside of Israel. They still can't get married in the state of Israel because the ultra-orthodox Jews control state marriage. But still, they're doing the best they can despite the ultra relig. Mazal Tov.
I think Natalie Portman should use her influence to get some shit done around there.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
If only...
ANOTHER gay celebrity comes out

Maddox Jolie-Pitt has released the following statement:
"The public eye has always been kind to me, and until recently I have been able to live a pretty normal life. Now it seems there is speculation and interest in my private life and relationships."
"So, rather than ignore those who choose to publish their opinions without actually talking to me, I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love."
CONGRATS MADDOX! We are so proud!
Saturday, November 18, 2006

After hundreds upon hundreds of replies to the MK photo contest, we have chosen the winner. MW shows that she can compete with the big girls...well not they aren't really big (unless you count the hundreds of pounds Nicole Richie has recently put on)!
Calls to MK:
Sunken Cheeks
Gaunt Eyes
Head over Shoulder Pose
Bones Out!
Fab-U-Lash job! Keep sending your submissions! We love it!
Put our open toes on and get JAZZY
Sorry to disappear, BUT...
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Let's here it for the boy.

I'm really happy for Marc Jacobs right now. At first I thought a 26 year old boyfriend who has been rumored to be an ex-porn star (not that there's anything wrong with that) was a bad idea for the most saught after designer on earth. But now I can see that little Mr. Jason Preston's influence has made MJ loose about 30lbs and 10 years. You go boys! You're both hot!
How you doin'
Let's talk about it Dina.

Dina Lohan is shopping her talk show around to different networks. She describes the show as an "Apprentice-y, game show-y thing." Adding, "it’s a girl-empowered, woman show." I don't care what the show is about. That woman is such a hot mess I would watch a show about her trying to live the lifestyle of her famous daughter. Oh, that's right - I already do.
Why DID we lose our tails?
Bridgette from Girls Next Door (the slighyl chunkier, slightly stupider one) is the best! I just love when she asks why we lost our tails. It's a long movie, but just keep fast forewarding to her. We would be best friends if we hung out. Fave quote:
"The Captain Morgan really looked like Captain Morgan. Not like, Jonny Depp or anything"
Seperated at Birth
Well, he was right! Last night, a source at Hyde tells us that Lindsay arrived and was doing her normal thing...dancing, high kicks, lots of coke, screaming at old know the usual...when all of a sudden Lindsay Lohan's crotch caught on FIRE! The star is OK, she is currently at her second home in Cedar Sinai.
Brandon, if you are reading this (which I'm sure you are) call us! We want to scoop the next story and with your gift I think we can take this blog to the next level!